Saturday Night Fever is a film released on December 14, 1977. It stars John Travolta as Tony Manero, a troubled Brooklyn youth whose weekend activities are dominated by visits to the local discotheque. While dancing, Tony is the king of the dance floor, and the visits help him to temporarily forget the reality of his life: a dead-end job, clashes with his mean and unsupportive parents, his brother who quit the priesthood, racial tensions in the local community, and his associations with a gang of deadbeat friends.
A huge commercial success, the movie significantly helped to popularize disco music around the world and made Travolta a household name. The soundtrack, featuring music from the Bee Gees, became the best selling soundtrack ever.
The sequel to Saturday Night Fever, Staying Alive was released in 1983. It starred John Travolta reprising his role as Tony Manero and was directed by Sylvester Stallone.
The story was also produced as a musical stage production in London, Sydney and on Broadway.
In a December 15, 2007 BBC interview, Robin Gibb admitted that he had never seen the film.
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